제2차 국제금융체제 개편에 관한 국제회의


제2차 국제금융체제 개편에 관한 국제회의

? 기 간 : 2001. 3. 7. ~ 3. 8.

? 장 소 : 칠레 산티아고

? 주 최 : 세계경제연구원, 대외경제정책연구원 공동

? 후 원 : 미국 Ford Foundation

? 주 제 : Management of Volatility and Financial Globalization in Emerging Economies

<Session Ⅰ> Macroeconomic Stability: Policies for LACs 

‣ Jose Antotio Ocampo (former Minister of Finance and Public Credit Columbia)

<Session Ⅱ> Reforming the Global Architecture: the Impotance of Regional Institution

‣ Roy Culpeper (President, North-South Institute)

‣ Roney Schmidt (Advisor, International Development Reserch Centre)

<Session Ⅲ> Macroeconomic Policies and the Labor Market in Argentina and Mexico

‣ Jaime Ros (Professor, University of Notre Dame)

‣ Roberto Frenkel (Director, Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires)

<Session Ⅳ> Hard Peg and Soft Float: Mexico and Argentina

‣ Helmut Reisen (OECD)

‣ Martin Grandes (OECD)

<Session Ⅴ> Macroeconomic Adjustment and the Real Economy in Korea and Malaysia since 1997

‣ Yunjong Wang (KIEP)

‣ Kwanho Shin (Professor, Korea University)

‣ Mahani Zainal-Abidin (Professor, University of Malaysia)

<Session Ⅵ> The Capital Account and Real Macroeconomic Stabilization: Chile and Columbia

‣ Roberto Zalhler (former President, Central Bank of Chile)

<Session Ⅶ> Stabilization Funds and Macroeconomic Consistency

‣ Manuel Marfan (former Minister of Finance, Chile)

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