2004 - 2009 주요저서 및 인터뷰

2019-03-21 09:59
  • "Achievements of the London G20 Summit and Korea as a Troika," Center for U.S. Korea Policy Newsletter, vol.1, no.4, May 2009.
  • "Interview: S.D. Kim's Exploration of Doyens," Monthly Chosun, monthly.chosun.com, May 2009. (in Korean)
  • "SERI Quartely's Interview: Presidential Council on National Competiveness, Chairman SaKong Il," SERI Quarterly, vol.1, no.2, Jul 2008, pp.74-79.
  • "Cover Story," International Trade, vol.501, Jun 2008, pp.6-10 (in Korean).
  • "Korean Economy: Current Situation and Future Prospects." National Agenda for Avoiding Another Crisis.
    coauthored. Seoul: Giparang, 2007.
  • "A Strong Economic Leadership Urgently Needed", FKI Monthly Magazine, Vol. 500, July 2006, the Federation of Korean Industries
    "Enhanced North East Asian Economic Cooperation Towards the Ultimate Goal of East Asian Community", JCER Bulletin, No. 945, July 2006 (in Japanese And English)
  • "Comments: Will India Steal China's Thunder?" The International Economy, Spring 2006, p.19 (Washington, D.C.)
  • "Comments: General Observations on East Asian Regionalism & Specific Comments." Strengthen Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia, eds. Yoon Hyung Kim and Chang Jae Lee. Seoul: Korea Institute for International
  • Economic Policy, Conference Proceedings 04-01, 2004. 365-367
  • "Korea's Economic Outlook." Human Rights & Justice. Seoul: Korean Bar Association. volume 330, Feb 2004. 12-14.
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